Figgerits Science Level 562

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Definitions & Words

  • An imaginary creature with pointy ears - ELF
  • A rough edge on a piece of metal left after it is cut - BURR
  • To soothe someone to sleep - LULL
  • A large bowl used to serve punch - JORUM
  • To collect information bit by bit - GLEAN
  • Extra large - JUMBO
  • A new __ sweeps clean, but an old __ knows the corners - BROOM
  • Cheerful, smiling - RIANT
  • Waterproof jacket, usually with a hood - ANORAK
  • Aloof or reserved - INDRAWN
  • Tom threw a __ after his teacher criticized him - WOBBLER
  • To tremble because of fear or cold - SHUDDER
  • A brightly striped fish with venomous spines - LIONFISH
  • An excavating machine with a rope-hung bucket - DRAGLINE
  • A high-pitched flute with six or eight finger holes - FLAGEOLET

Here are all 15 answers for Figgerits Level 562 in Science. The full phrase comes out to be "Most dinosaurs are known from just a single tooth or bone. Complete fossils are extremely rare. Instead, archaeologists study traces such as loose teeth, bones, or tracks in order to identify the dinosaurs."

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