Figgerits Planet Earth Level 517

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Definitions & Words

  • Some nuns wear it on their heads - WIMPLE
  • The speaker was trying to impress the ___ - AUDIENCE
  • A kind of shellfish - NAUTILUS
  • Embarrassed - SHEEPISH
  • Ideas aimed at getting the support of ordinary people - POPULISM
  • A radio program about recent events - NEWSCAST
  • A synonym for "bewilderment" - CONFUSION
  • Brightness and certainty - LUCIDNESS
  • The monotony of his voice was ___ - SOPORIFIC
  • A unit of energy in physics - JOULE
  • Unfair actions or situations - INJUSTICE
  • Acting on stage had a ___ effect on her - CATHARTIC
  • An interest in some activity which doesn't last long - DALLIANCE
  • Smoking has a bad ___ on your health - INFLUENCE
  • A type of heel for women's shoes - STILETTO
  • A shirt and trousers in one piece - JUMPSUIT
  • Is height a ____ for hiring a firefighter? - CRITERION
  • Sad and miserable - MIRTHLESS

Here are all 18 answers for Figgerits Level 517 in Planet Earth. The full phrase comes out to be "Ethiopia has a different calendar, which is similar to the Julian calendar people used to follow before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar. It means that the country is almost 8 years behind the Western calendar. They also have 13 months instead of 12."

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