Figgerits Sports Level 392

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Definitions & Words

  • A guy who rules over you, or the big guy in the sky - LORD
  • What is green and sour and goes great with margaritas? - LIME
  • Cargo shorts are often made of this material - KHAKI
  • The door ___ was squeaky, so I oiled it - HINGE
  • What sound do old floorboards make when walking on them? - CREAK
  • This is hatred and cunning found in your heart - GUILE
  • A _____ should be painted only on freshly laid plaster - FRESCO
  • What do we call a person with a taste for excellent food? - GOURMET
  • A person who does very little and shows no initiative - SLACKER
  • We need to ___ all of the old equipment - OVERHAUL
  • Plants with red or pink flowers found throughout Asia - CAMELLIA
  • What does one call a dog that isn't of a particular breed? - MONGREL
  • The Internet can be found in homes ____ - WORLDWIDE
  • Elderly and disabled people need this type of person - CAREGIVER
  • What part of your fishing equipment actually catches fish? - FISHHOOK
  • This ___ dish leaves an explosion of happiness in my mouth - SUCCULENT

Here are all 16 answers for Figgerits Level 392 in Sports. The full phrase comes out to be "The average distance a man walks on foot during his life is four times around the world."

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