Figgerits Entertainment Level 578

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Definitions & Words

  • This annoying insect wants to look like a bee - WASP
  • A place where singers or actors perform - SCENE
  • It protects the coastline from the currents and tides - JETTY
  • To travel by car - DRIVE
  • Cheese and honey are a __ made in heaven - MATCH
  • Dangerous windy weather - STORM
  • A French title for a married woman - MADAM
  • The relationship between two portions or quantities - RATIO
  • A medical practitioner or a professor - DOCTOR
  • A river or a type of video on the Internet - STREAM
  • Do you prefer chewy or __ chocolate chip cookies? - CRISPY
  • The lack of motivation - APATHY
  • In myths, creatures that lack them also lack souls - SHADOWS
  • To embody something - PERSONIFY
  • A synonym for "refusal" - REJECTION

Here are all 15 answers for Figgerits Level 578 in Entertainment. The full phrase comes out to be "The first drive-in theater opened in 1933 in Camden, New Jersey. People watched the British comedy “Wives Beware” after paying 25 cents per car."

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